I saw Industry Household will be future business trends. This business opportunity is open to anyone, anywhere, and the broad market. Why many people do not realize this? Because they are trapped in a daily routine. A glass of water can be seen from two angles. Optimists see it as a glass half-empty, while the pessimist sees it as a glass half full. Likewise, the number of business opportunities around us that we can not see. You only need to look at it from a different angle. Immediately remove yourself a break from the daily routine and come back. I am sure you will see things differently!
Business Opportunities at Home
In his book, Stephen King's On Writing, he wrote how to make the best-selling novel. His advice, "Write your novel and put it in the closet for one to two months. Forget that you ever write a novel and do what you want to do. Have fun and enjoy life!"
After forgetting your novel for several months, open your closet and read your writing back. You will be surprised how shallow your novel. Perhaps too monotonous, maybe the plot is predictable, the main character or characters less life. If you are interested in and drown in your own novel, the novel was going to explode in the market. Conversely, if you can guess the end of the story, then it is time to revise or rewrite the earlier novels.
So with your life today. If you want to see the business opportunities that exist, try to rest for a moment, do what you like, leave all your daily activities and routines. Perhaps one month, two months may, or five months! Please yourself for several months without sin anyway, taking a break is normal and healthy. Calculate how long you've worked, and for the future, how much longer will you still work? According to my calculations, each man at least worked for 25 years or 300 months! Have fun during the three months in the future of our work is normal and human. Moreover, there are other goals we want to achieve is not it?
Well, useful advice and mecerahkan Wapan pack, but I could not do because I could get fired! May not be a holiday pack of three months, do not come in a week wong wes dapet Letter of Warning! Approximately another suggestion not ya sir? If I do not nyetor salary to my wife, might I be fired as well as a husband! Excuse me sir, this because the reality of my life! This fact pack, reference to pack, reference to pack! Waking up from a dream dong pack!
Well, this is how life is. Old added plus much load! This is what I mean by that routine! And I mean out of the routine was not always skipping work for three months. Out of routine means utilizing our spare time in a different way, and hopefully if also can take advantage of our working time as well.
What you often do in your spare time? What really want to do but never do you do? And what activities make you forget everything that you leave for a reason? Out of routine means doing all the things you crave it! We are the same as the machine can be damaged, need a break, and in need of repair.
We are entering an age of instant and crazy times. Everyone wants a quick and number one. If purchasing goods requested served SPG friendly, smart, and nimble. If it comes to a store but not immediately served us straight leg lift. Did that selling your shop cuman wrote tah? We demand perlaukan specials! We are the king! Even if we only buy one seed, many Nanya and choose the most new!
Conversely, a shop owner, whether small or large shop store not only think of customer satisfaction alone. He must calculate the pros and cons. Too few employees, the service can not be fast. Too many employees do not nututi Tjwan her. Employee salary rises every year, while the profit margins can not be increased at will. Consumers now have a smart-smart, out bargains and quality goods. Little price difference directly ilang! Sadistic indeed! But how else, the cost of living rising each year are not comparable with the increase in his salary. Always great unbalanced. Inevitably, consumers must be smart to buy goods.
RumahanKonsumen intelligent effort will assess a product with the benefits gained. Problem is expensive or not, it depends on the level of satisfaction. The easiest example is food. A packet of rice for 6000 could mean expensive or cheap depending on taste. Likewise with a drink for Rp 10,000. Unique flavor and wagged his tongue making it seem not expensive drinks. This is called the value of customer satisfaction. The problem was later repeat order first. The important thing we can create the ideal value for the product.
With consumers increasingly nagging today, actually led to new business opportunities. Actually not chatty, they want the best deal. I think we are also not much different from those he ... he.
Moreover, they have access to the same information that we have, that is the internet. The average consumer today clever-pi? Nter. Do not underestimate them! Going forward, I believe the consumer is much smarter than our current customers. How again, wong from kindergarten already taught English, computers, and the internet!
So, what advice can I give you to capture business opportunities today? Begin to create something unique, high quality, and flexible (to order). As to whether it?
The simplest example is the food business. Let's just say you can make a cake. Make a cake premium, distinctive taste homemade and tastes you must taste good. Sell for middle and upper market because of competition in this segment is not too cruel. Do not get too low, remember the principle of value is not equal to the price! The important thing people feel that price is worth to buy!
Then, concentrate on one type of cake is your favorite. Liked different from the master. Likes to make you happy doing experiments. Liked means you are ready to do a trial and error until any time. And love means you are willing to do so despite not being paid! Why should one type of cake, sir? Why do not many cakes? Is not the diversification of products then we get a big advantage as well pack? If cuman one product rich when his pack?
Industry Household Well, um .... you never heard the name Amanda? That loh, brand steamed brownies! Amanda steamed brownies! He cuman selling steamed brownies, but it feels assortment, there is cheese, chocolate, there are blackberries, there are strawberry, and there are plain. Although only selling one type only, ie steamed brownies, his name was well known on the island of Java! Then, you've heard Tina Bika Ambon? He cuman sell Bika Ambon, but famous wes Java too! Or dumplings Mojokerto, or ice teller 77, or Igor pastry? They are figures that focus on one type of food! And sell them at a premium price!
There are many other types of cakes that do not have a market leader, for example Cheese Cake, Tiramisu cake, Opera cake, bread pickpocket, kaastangel, nastar and hundreds of other types of cake. Being the leader of a particular product market requires full dedication and concentration! Market already exists and is awaiting the best products! So, please feel free to focus on your favorite products! The good news is, all of the above categories of industry had begun small-scale household!
My last message to you that start capture this business opportunity. Customer satisfaction starts from the time we were picked up from the prospective buyer. How do we talk, explain our products, taking orders, and say thank you. Packaging should also design as unique as possible, in accordance with your character because that's the consumer in mind. If your product can not be distinguished from other products then you fail!
Sir, I can only nggambar wrote pack! I make comics hobby pack! Any suggestions for me not to pack?
There, the other day I see on television is nonik-nonik who received orders blackberry picture condom! If necessary condoms - other condom can you draw cartoons as well. If luminance can be made! There is a story behind every picture that you paint in condom - condom that was.
Try to get out for a moment of your daily routine! I am sure you will see so many business opportunities that you never realized! Take the business opportunities that suit your preferences and concentrate on one type of product. Be the leader category! One time, sooner or later, the industry that you start from these households will be great and immense Do not be afraid to dream.