how to make tempeh from soy beans

how to make tempeh from soy beans

tempeHow to make soy tempeh - Tempe is a traditional food items most people of Indonesia. Initially regarded as a foodstuff tempeh lower middle income people. But after knowing its benefits to health, people turn to make tempeh as an alternative to meat which is quite expensive.

The legend says, tempeh already known and loved throughout the world. In Indonesia, a very well-known type of tempeh tempeh is made from soy base. By learning how to make tempeh simply expected to try and put into practice by school children at secondary school level and upper secondary. For the wider community, the process of making tempeh is expected to be worth the economy and create new jobs.

tempeh, biotechnology, conventional

As already mentioned in previous posts, making tempeh is a product of conventional biotechnology that uses microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria. Tempe we know everyday is fermented soybeans. Biological agents that play a role in the process of fermentation is the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus. The fungus produces protease enzyme that can break down protein in soybean seeds.

Basically, the tempeh fermentation is the process of growing spores of the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus on soybean seed. The growth of this fungus will form the threads binding hyphae soybean seeds with one another. Ties soy beans that form a compact mass is called with tempeh.

A. Tools and materials:
a. stove
b. pot
c. Langseng
d. winnowing
e. fan
f. wrapping
g. soybean
h. tempeh
i. tapioca starch
j. water

B. The process of making tempeh
a. Clean soybeans from rubbish and stones, then wash with water.
b. Store in a pot, pour boiling water so that all soybean seeds under water and leave for 12 hours
c. Wash again with cold water and stir Stir by hand until all the skin to peel and seed soybean split.
d. Discard skin peeling
e. Soybeans are already clean steamed in langseng about 30 minutes until it looks soft. Then scatter in a clean and dry winnowing
f. Add tapioca flour 1 tablespoon to 1 kg of soy and stir until blended.
g. Fan to room temperature about 30 degrees Celsius
h. Sprinkle powder tempeh (Rhizopus oligosporus) as needed, ie 10 g / kg of soybeans.
i. Pack with wrappers as you wish, with banana leaves or plastic as thick as 2-3 cm.
j. When the plastic, pin-prick with a needle plastick until evenly distributed.
k. Save and stacking position on a flat surface, cover the top with leaves or carbon.
l. Incubation at room temperature for 2 to 3 times as long as 24 hours.

Tempe who has undergone fermentation sometimes smelled of ammonia because they decay. Why does this happen? Not only fungus Rhizopus oligosporus involved in fermentation. There may be other types of microbes or fungi that interfere in the process of making tempeh. The interference of other fungi appear in black and white color at the end of this tempeh mold growth. Spores new emerging indicates decay and smelled of ammonia. Hence, in the fermentation to note the cleanliness and purity of seed used.

Tempe has good nutritional value, such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This is not out of the role of yeast mycelium binding soybean seeds during fermentation. The fermentation process causes chemical changes in the protein, fat and carbohydrates. Similarly, the process of making tempeh may be useful.

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how to make tempeh from soy beans


tempeHow to make soy tempeh - Tempe is a traditional food items most people of Indonesia. Initially regarded as a foodstuff tempeh lower middle income people. But after knowing its benefits to health, people turn to make tempeh as an alternative to meat which is quite expensive.

The legend says, tempeh already known and loved throughout the world. In Indonesia, a very well-known type of tempeh tempeh is made from soy base. By learning how to make tempeh simply expected to try and put into practice by school children at secondary school level and upper secondary. For the wider community, the process of making tempeh is expected to be worth the economy and create new jobs.

tempeh, biotechnology, conventional

As already mentioned in previous posts, making tempeh is a product of conventional biotechnology that uses microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria. Tempe we know everyday is fermented soybeans. Biological agents that play a role in the process of fermentation is the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus. The fungus produces protease enzyme that can break down protein in soybean seeds.

Basically, the tempeh fermentation is the process of growing spores of the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus on soybean seed. The growth of this fungus will form the threads binding hyphae soybean seeds with one another. Ties soy beans that form a compact mass is called with tempeh.

A. Tools and materials:
a. stove
b. pot
c. Langseng
d. winnowing
e. fan
f. wrapping
g. soybean
h. tempeh
i. tapioca starch
j. water

B. The process of making tempeh
a. Clean soybeans from rubbish and stones, then wash with water.
b. Store in a pot, pour boiling water so that all soybean seeds under water and leave for 12 hours
c. Wash again with cold water and stir Stir by hand until all the skin to peel and seed soybean split.
d. Discard skin peeling
e. Soybeans are already clean steamed in langseng about 30 minutes until it looks soft. Then scatter in a clean and dry winnowing
f. Add tapioca flour 1 tablespoon to 1 kg of soy and stir until blended.
g. Fan to room temperature about 30 degrees Celsius
h. Sprinkle powder tempeh (Rhizopus oligosporus) as needed, ie 10 g / kg of soybeans.
i. Pack with wrappers as you wish, with banana leaves or plastic as thick as 2-3 cm.
j. When the plastic, pin-prick with a needle plastick until evenly distributed.
k. Save and stacking position on a flat surface, cover the top with leaves or carbon.
l. Incubation at room temperature for 2 to 3 times as long as 24 hours.

Tempe who has undergone fermentation sometimes smelled of ammonia because they decay. Why does this happen? Not only fungus Rhizopus oligosporus involved in fermentation. There may be other types of microbes or fungi that interfere in the process of making tempeh. The interference of other fungi appear in black and white color at the end of this tempeh mold growth. Spores new emerging indicates decay and smelled of ammonia. Hence, in the fermentation to note the cleanliness and purity of seed used.

Tempe has good nutritional value, such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This is not out of the role of yeast mycelium binding soybean seeds during fermentation. The fermentation process causes chemical changes in the protein, fat and carbohydrates. Similarly, the process of making tempeh may be useful.

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